Tuesday, May 6, 2014


i won't say much because i do not have the words.  although this is not something that i have experienced personally, the loss of a child... it is a sensitive topic and hard to put into words all of the feelings...

this morning i read a story about a blogger mom who lost her son over the weekend in a tragic accident.  although i may not be as involved in the blogging community as the other blogger moms that are filling my instagram feed, i still feel pain in my heart for this family. as a mother, i cannot imagine what she might be feeling. as a mother, i just wish there was something i could do to help. there are just no words. 

i am praying for comfort and peace for this family. i'll be praying for their family as well as my own.  and i will go home and hug jackson a little tighter tonight and kiss him a few extra times. i will make a conscious effort to love my family a little harder.

we never know when it could be our last day together.

you can read more about the story here


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  1. Oh my goodness, this is incredibly heart breaking! Praying, praying, praying!!
    Isn't it amazing to see the IG world rally together to support the parents? It gives me chills and makes me tear up each time I think about it!

  2. Just found your blog!! Also can't stop thinking about this sweet family.

