Thursday, May 22, 2014

mother's day 2014

yet another "better late than never" kind of post.  how do bloggers actually blog in real time? while still attempting to get a decent amount of sleep each night?  i know that breaking out my real camera and loading/editing photos takes time but its worth it... right? but that just adds more time.  on top of that, i have work and motherly and wifely duties to attend to. so. i'm slacking in blogging.  at least in real-time!  any tips to make it more efficient would be greatly appreciated!

now back to all things mother's day!

this year, the festivities began with "muffins with mom" at jackson's school.  and a little gift from jackson (made with the help of his awesome teachers).  these little gifts are always my favorite and i don't know that they'll ever get old!

(they made pirate hats at school this day.  apparently the only time he took it off was for nap time.  and don't you worry, he wore it in the car on the way home.  at least part of the way.  that giant hat and a car seat don't really mesh well...)

should have taken an after picture. oops.  a little tile with his hand print and it says, "a child's hand touches a mother's heart"... so. sweet.  after that... it was time to head to the gym for a muffin.  he chose chocolate. ;)

this little event should be called, "muffins with mom...because mom maybe got a tiny little bite and just got to sit and watch her son eat the entire muffin...and then clean up his chocolate-covered face"... yea. that.  its worth it though. he's pretty cute.

cutest and messiest pirate i know!

and here are photos from our mother's day on sunday.  started out pretty laid back.  pjs and transformers. the usual morning start for us on the weekends.  its nice to let him relax and that let's us relax. and enjoy some coffee together, todd and i.  i love the weekends.

and bella. just hiding under a chair for no apparent reason. that sounds about right. that's our bella!

after lunch i made strawberry cupcakes. it felt appropriate. jackson wanted to help me but then got distracted. but he did help me eat them.  that's pretty much the best part of it all anyway.

after a 3 hour nap, it was time to head over to grandma brink's house for a little mother's day cookout. although we were pretty late, that 3 hour nap surely made a difference in the day.  our boy was so cheerful.  i love, love, love when he takes good naps like that.  and his grandma loved it too. he was the happiest boy.  actually ate some food and then played as much as possible.  even got some one-on-one time with his grandma and that doesn't always happen.  they both soaked it up!

obligatory mother and son photo for mother's day! so thankful for these with my silly boy!

my little nephew, john.  we found out on mother's day that little john is going to be a big brother!  todd's little sister is expecting her second and is due late this year.  so exciting to welcome another sweet baby to this family!  jackson just loves having cousins!

yes, that's my husband. riding that tiny bike.  typical.

yearly photo of grandma brink with her kids. (oh todd.) so we have todd, his mom (barb), melissa (the sister having a baby!) carrie (she's getting married in july -yay) and david.  

my son and his "shooting guns." because that's what he does.

taking a break from crime fighting to give his momma a kiss. muah!

and when it was time for everyone else to head home, jackson got some time with his grandma to read a story before we headed home ourselves.  it was a pretty fantastic day.

even though this is late. i hope all of the moms out there had a pretty fantastic day too.  soaking it up with the ones you love is the best way to spend it. at least for me!  and i think grandma brink kind of liked it too ;)

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1 comment:

  1. Some bloggers write several posts on the weekend and the save them and post one a day. I think you can even set it up your account to "release" a post per day of the ones you haven't published yet.
