Tuesday, March 11, 2014

sunday swims.

how funny is it that just this last week, i'm scrolling through my bloglovin feed and see a post (with the most beatiful images!) about a little family swimming at their local ymca?!  it is as if was the theme of the day.  little did she know that i had a little post of my own about swimming at our local ymca already drafted. small.world.

when the winter is long and decides to keep dragging us along, we have to find some way to keep ourselves moving and to keep cabin fever from setting in.  so last winter, we joined our local ymca and have taken to the indoor pool.  it really does get us out of the house, gives us a little fresh air, and really, really helps jackson to burn off a little excess energy.  with the weather being so cold, it is just not my favorite idea to attempt to bundle up and run around outside.  plus, the heated pool is for for all of us...not just jackson. :)

so these last couple of weeks we've gathered the towels, bathing suits (and swim diapers for some people) and even packed up lunches to eat on our way over.  open swim starts at 12pm and we have been getting there just before 12:30.  we let jackson skip out on his normal nap time (around 1pm) and let him play and play until he's ready to get out.  he usually lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours.  i'd say that's pretty good for a little guy!  and when he's ready to go, we get changed and dry off as best we can, bundle back up and head home.  after the 10 minute car ride home, its time to snuggle up for a late afternoon nap.  

let's just say we like post-swim naps.  we all do.

i hope that we continue to do fun things like this as a family.  winter, spring, summer or fall.  i kind of like spending this time with my boys and i hope that jackson just loves this time as much as i know i do!


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