Friday, March 7, 2014

friday favorites: running gear

i hate to admit but i love all of it. i love all of the gear, clothes, shoes, accessories that can go along with running. a "free" sport. ha. that is truly laughable isn't it?! and as much as i think it is funny, i will still be saving my pennies in order to treat myself to gear for this "free" sport. seriously though, sign me up!

with that said, here are a few things that i'm lucky enough to have experience with that i really do love and also even more things that i drool over on a daily basis.  stop the running madness. who doesn't love a cute outfit to run in? or the most colorful and cheerful running shoes?
here are some of my current favorites....
last august i went to blue mile and got fitted for the right shoes. totally worth the money. no regrets!

i cannot explain to you how much i really love all of those items.  the watch is used every.single.time. i run.  and i love that i can also use the nike+ sensor in my shoe to track my runs on the treadmill. i am such a data person. i love to go back and look at all of the stats!  (is you are a nike+ member, let me know, we can be friends there too!)

and now for the fun part...
here are just a few of the things that i wish i could buy if i only had all of the monies. it is amazing to me how expensive running clothes and accessories can be. not to mention the cost of some good shoes!
  • compression socks. i would really, really love to hear if anyone has anything at all to say about compression socks.  
i've read some good things about them but would love a little bit more feedback before i hand over $50 for socks!  do they really help with recovery time? are they really worth the money?

  • this shirt. oh this shirt.  and i don't know about you, but i always look just like her after i'm done running. always.
  • and although this hoodie wouldn't be used while running, it would be used while i'm relaxing on the couch or running errands...after my run...of course.  it is so cute.
  • i'm really thinking that i need an actual running hat. my old navy baseball cap is working well but is white and getting dirty. plus, a little ventilation might be nice as the weather (hopefully!) starts warming up.  this one is nice but i am still really looking around!

i'm sure i could find many, many more things to love and wish for one day. i'd love to hear what everyone else has found to be useful or a "must-have" when it comes to their running gear. please share!  

i'm looking forward to a 6+ mile run tomorrow morning.  like literally looking forward to it. who is this person i've slowly become?!  i hope you all have the most fabulous weekend and we'll catch up next week! 

happy friday and happy running!!

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1 comment:

  1. I love all things running gear- I think I might buy myself that hoodie for post runs too :) SO cute!
