Friday, March 14, 2014

friday favorites

meagan originally shared this with me and since then i've seen in a few more places. all i know is that if this happened to me and my family, i would have this photo blown.up. and hanging in my house. or maybe on the outside of my house. and in my office. because seriously, how awesome would that be?! oh jimmy.

image and more from A CUP OF JO

honestly this should have been first on the list because let's face it. i'm.obsessed.

do i really need to explain myself? i'm currently on season 2 on netflix and cannot stop watching. i have seen all of these episodes and could watch them over and over. i have no idea why but i'm hooked.  netflix wins again!

and check out this little friday night lights reunion. honestly, it makes me smile.  i wonder if these guys are my age?  do you think they'd want to be friends with us? we're cool enough, right?

um. how cute is QB1? facial hair looks good on you!! these boys are all growed up!! lol

and let's just keep the theme of television going.  remember the show rob & big? that's another show that i could watch over and over. they are such an odd and perfect couple.  and you cannot watch it without laughing.  this is one of my all-time favorite scenes...


what are your favorite shows? new and old? it doesnt' hurt to grow my list of things to watch via amazon prime or netflix. so bring on the suggestions.  at this rate, i'm going to run out of friday night lights episodes pretty quickly ;)

so apparently this post is short and sweet but its time to finish an episode of FNL before bed. duh.

happy friday and i hope you all have an amazing weekend!! 

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1 comment:

  1. Amazing.. I now can officially say we are so much alike...How have we not talked about Rob and Big? One of my favs too!! :)
