Monday, March 4, 2013

Where do I begin?

Where do I begin?

Well, let's just jump right in.  I have have really wanted to start a blog for some time now.  I want to make sure that I take some time to write things down to go along with all of the photos that I take. Seriously.  If you follow me on Instagram, you totally know what I'm talking about.   I love to document life and I'd like to think that if I make an effort and get things down "on paper", I'll have something pretty neat to look back on when we're all a bit older.  

Here are some things that I love and may make an appearance at some point on my little space on the interwebs love of photography, my family (be ready for photo overload of the little one!), my attempt at cooking or baking, diy projects, my sad attempt at fashion, my interest in having a healthy lifestyle with healthier eating and exercising, and what would a new blog be without some Pinterest lovin'?

January would have been a good time to start but why would I start then?  Let's just jump right in and fill in some of the happenings since January 1, 2013.

January 2013:  
12.31.2012 - Exciting New Year's Eve (taken while giving Jackson a bath - that's a mom's life for you!)
12.31.2012 - New Year's Eve with my favorite Little Man.

01.01.2013 - New Year's Day - we spent the day celebrating Christmas with Todd's side of the family at his Dad's house.  Jackson of course came home with more toys and clothes than we knew what to do with. I'm pretty sure his gifts were under the tree for a couple of weeks before we actually got them put away. Oops.  Needless to say, this boy is loved. 

01.13.2013 - Todd and I had a "day date".  My mother-in-law gave us tickets to see Jersey Boys and offered to watch Jackson while we went!  We started the day with brunch at Cafe Patachou.  The food was delicious! I love breakfast!  Then it was off to the show and we really had a great time. Plus, it is nice to get dressed up every once in awhile!

 01.18.2013 - 01.21-2013 - Jackson's second trip to Nashville, TN! We took a road trip to visit my family in Tennessee.  We had so much fun and the weather was pretty amazing for January!  We took several walks, visited some cows and spent lots of time with the family. Oh. And I may or may not have eaten about 4 slices of cheesecake.  Whew.
Thanks to Granny for this delicious treat!
01.19.2013 - Cousins.

01.20.2013 - a beautiful day for a walk!
01.21.2013 - heading home.

01.24.2013 - We joined our local YMCA!  We went in the morning to sign up, went home for lunch and a nap, and then came back in the afternoon for our first swim.  It was such a success!  He loved it!

01.27.2013 - Jackson's first hair cut.


01.28.2013 - Jackson's 15 month check-up.  Gosh, he is growing up fast! Here are his current stats:
Weight: 26lbs 4oz (70%)
Height: 33in (90%)
This one is going to be tall!  
February 2013: 

The main event of February includes Jackson's surgery on February 12th and all that follows .  Stay tuned for more about Jackson's surgery - this topic will need a post all its own, just with the amount of pictures I've taken!

02.24.2013 - Todd, Jackson and I the night before Jackson's cast was taken off.

Now that we are mostly up-to-date with the happenings of 2013 I'll leave you with a couple of cute photos.  Again, keep an eye out for more on Jackson's surgery and what we're up to as spring is (hopefully) on the way!



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  • Where do I begin?Where do I begin? Well, let's just jump right in.  I have have really wanted to start a blog for some time now.  I want to make sure that I take some time to write things down to go along with all of the photo… Read More


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