Monday, March 10, 2014

Motivation Monday: 03.10.2014

it was a good week last week!  the first two runs weren't my favorite but the saturday run was really something.  7 miles is the furthest run i've ever done since training for the half marathon last year (and this year!)  if you told me even a year ago that i'd get up before the sun on a saturday morning and run 7 miles in 30 degree weather...i would have totally laughed at you.  i'm kind of amazed with the person i'm becoming.  crazy.

here are some screen shots of my runs from this week.  13.1 miles... a half marathon this week. now i just need to practice doing all of those miles at once! ;)

thank you meagan (as always!) for your motivation an encouragement!!
p.s. you should totally go and check out her blog and cheer her on. she's running a marathon (yes, a marathon!) at the end of april and she's pretty much a running rockstar.  so go and check her out!!
i totally stole this photo from meagan too.  thanks for being my sole sister :)

did you have a good any good runs this last week? any on the calender for this week?

i've got at least 7 on the schedule for this saturday.  hoping to do it solo... need to get my spotify playlist set up! i'm also planning to do my 3-4 mile run tomorrow outdoors. the weather is in the 60's here (FINALLY) so i'm hoping to enjoy that.

(you know you are a runner when... you are trying to fall asleep ((on sunday night)) and you cannot fall asleep because you are mentally trying to figure out a 4 mile running route for your run on tuesday. seriously. who is this person?)

i hope you all have an amazing week, get out and run!!

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1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy. You are kicking butt and motivating me as well, my friend. I wouldn't be as far along as I am without you!
