Tuesday, March 18, 2014

a case of the mondays. and tuesdays.

so here we are. tuesday morning. and i think i have a lingering case of the monday's.  i'm typically not a negative person but yesterday and today have not been my favorite.  do you ever just feel worn down? that's kind of how i'm feeling. not really ill, nothing really "wrong" just not feeling myself.  and so tired.

(...and because people will ask...no... i'm not pregnant ;) ...)

anyway, back to what i was saying...

many times i feel like monday's are the hardest day of the entire week and i'm sure that i'm not alone. i honestly live for the weekends. it is time to spend with my boys and actually get to have breakfast with them and enjoy their company from the beginning until the end of the day.  the weekends are typically not super relaxing though. not that i'm complaining at all. but. our weekends are full with grocery shopping, cleaning, playing, running (for me anyway) and trying to carve out some relaxation time.  and i think that is part of the reason why monday's tend to be so hard on me. i don't use my weekends to relax and "recharge my batteries".

i think it might be starting to catch up with me a little.  yesterday was tough. i came to work as usual and as the morning went on felt worse and worse. again, not ill. just not right. so after a few hours, turned around and went home.  slept for 3 hours without moving. i guess i was tired?! and still was in bed by 9:30pm and slept all.night.  still not quite feeling 100% today but feeling better.  and ready for another nap :)

i guess the reason while i'm writing all of this down is because it helps me deal with my feelings.  i am the type of person that rarely calls in sick at work, i rarely take days off (unless jackson's school is closed or we have planned vacations, time off, etc.) and i am a really hard worker and like to think that i'm reliable.  and when i'm home, i feel this need to get everything done. laundry done, dishes done, floor cleaned, dinners prepped...and so on.

i feel like it is my job as a working mom to be the best at work and at home.  and some days, like yesterday and a little bit today, all of that hard work catches up with you. i'm happy for my health and on days when you aren't feeling your best, it can really help you to appreciate how blessed you are to have so many, very healthy days.

so with all that said, i need to do a better job of letting myself rest. and recharge. its hard to keep going if you don't recharge the batteries, right?  this week, i'm going to do a better job of getting myself to bed at a decent time and really get some rest. and by the time the weekend rolls around... i may need a reminder that i don't have to get everything done right this second. just relax.

i cannot imagine that i'm the only one out there that feels this way. so please, let's all remember to take some time for ourselves and relax. recharge those batteries.  because at the end of the day, we're all working so hard to be our best at everything we do.  we need to cut ourselves some slack and enjoy the moment. and sleep a little too :)

thank you for listening to my story, i feel better already.

and because every post is better with a picture, i'll leave you with a couple from yesterday.  these boys can make me feel better no matter what.  they are my sunshine.

p.s. apparently yesterday was also st. patrick's day. and no one in my house even dressed with a spot of green. no celebration at all. #fail #maybenextyear

happy tuesday friends.

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1 comment:

  1. You do such a good job of taking care of everyone else but you also have to do that for you. :) Take the time to relax, it is better for everyone!! xoxo
