Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm back. Again. For real this time.

Let's try this again.  My friend Marcie has heard this probably at least once a day..."I really want to blog."  I have been back and forth about it for years and started back at it in March of 2013 and as expected, the summer was busy with lots of time spent outside (away from the computer obviously) with my family.  I do a pretty good job at documenting our lives (a little too much if you ask Todd) so now I need to take some time and put it in my blog.  I need to do this.  

These are the reasons why I really want to take some time and put effort into this little space of mine:
1. Write things down.  I want to write down these interactions with my family so I can look back at them and really be glad that I took the time.  I want to share this stuff with my children (well just the one, for now!) when they are older.  Maybe one day they'll appreciate it!
2. Have a place to put all of my photos! As I mentioned, I really do take photos all the time (daily) with my iPhone as well as my DSLR so to put those photos together with words is my ultimate goal.  Maybe if I start posting them, maybe one day that will lead to me printing them.  One can dream! 
2. Keep my out-of-town family updated.  My parents live in just outside of Nashville, Tennessee so keeping record of our everyday lives on this little blog will help them to get a glimpse into what we're up to.  Help us all to feel connected.
3. Memories.  This may be a bit repetitive of #1 but I really want to make notes of the little things so we don't forget.  Jackson is at such a fun age and does so many sweet and silly things.  I don't want to forget them!
4. Have a personal outlet.  I don't do too many things these days that are just "mine."  This seems like a perfectly good place to focus on all the things that I actually love.  
5. Why not?! I will be glad later. Just do it!
 I'm sure that I could think of at least a couple more reasons but it is Friday and I'm tired.  So these 5 reasons will just have to do for now.

So with that, here's what I've got. I'm going to try and make notes about the things that I love and things that I'd like to discuss here on my little space.  So far, just writing out this post... it feels good.  

Plus, I just realized this morning that I could add the Blogger App on my iPhone/iPad. That means I won't always have to be sitting at my desk to get something posted.  That's pretty exciting. 

And because I do not like to leave a blog post without at least one photo...enjoy this lovely photo from earlier this year. It makes me smile.  Happy Friday!!

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