Monday, September 23, 2013

Motivation Monday - 09.23.2013

Monday's are not typically my favorite day of the week.  Although at my previous job... I had "work-from-home-Monday" so that helped a little.  Although I am thrilled with my new job, any Monday is a little sweeter when spent working in your pajamas while sipping coffee at your own desk.  Sigh.  Oh well. I guess I'll survive!
This Monday started off with sleeping in a little (yay!) and breakfast with my little man. That helps set me up for a good day.  I'll take his smile and an extra hug and kiss anytime.  Especially since I normally leave so early in the morning, I usually miss out on any time with him.  So today was a good day!

After sending the boys off to school, it was time to get ready for my dentist appointment. Who makes a dentist appointment for first-thing Monday morning?  This girl.  Not only that, but I showed up to my appointment 20 minutes early after rushing out the door.  Well done.  Needless to say, it was a good morning!

On to something a little more positive...  Motivation for my Monday!  Recently I've realized that not running 3 days a week really does change a person.  I'm so used to moving that this "break" I've been taking is going to quickly start taking its toll.  It is time to whip myself back into shape!  Time to get moving again!  And it is also time to NOT eat whatever sounds good.  (Please disregard that after I drafted this post, I quickly sat down and inhaled several Oreo cookies with my husband.) 

So to get myself back on track and renew my motivation, I've broken out and charged up my old friend, the BodyMedia Armband.  This thing is amazing.  After having Jackson (almost two years ago, what?!) I wore this armband religiously while tracking my calorie intake and trying to get in some exercise.  I was able to lose quite a bit of weight (and keep it off!) and I didn't "diet" at all.  Ate what I wanted, just kept track of it.  Intake vs. Outtake.  I love it.  Pair the Armband with MyFitnessPal and you have a win-win situation.     

As of dinner, here's where I was with my data:

Now I just need to enter my Oreo intake and hope for the best.  I will quickly get back into the hang of it and not  But today was a good start.  Here's to keeping myself accountable!

Another thing I really try to work at and improve:  Motivation to Work Out. I have NEVER been into fitness or sports. I am trying to change my mindset on this as well.  Physical activity is so good for you and makes you feel amazing.  I need this for myself and for my family.  So here are a few workouts that I've found on Pinterest (of course) that I am going to try and complete this week.  I'll try to follow-up with how they went.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!  

via Back On Pointe

Here's to a great week!  

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