Some days after work, I have a few minutes to stop at home before I get Jackson. Usually I stop home to get something marinating for dinner, change my clothes, let our dog out, or even just to have a snack and a few quiet minutes before our family starts the evening routine.
Today, my first thought as I walked in the door was how embarrassed we should be by how messy our house is. But as I walked from room to room, I realized that there is so much happiness here. So many toys are played with. Laughter fills these rooms. Memories are being made every single day.
One day I'm going to be sad to see that there are no dinosaurs left on the table from when Jackson had breakfast, or that there won't be dinosaur jammies thrown in a pile on the floor to be washed. I might even be sad not to find empty sippy cups in every room and one day I won't be tripping over all of the tiny (noisy) animal toys.
So today. I took a moment to capture these sweet (messy...but sweet...) moments.
I don't want to forget them.
