Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Day of Fall 2013

This is how we spent our Sunday, the first day of fall...

Eating on of our favorite fall treats, a Honeycrisp apple.  And it wouldn't be a celebration of such a special day without our favorite Birthday Hat.  Oh this boy.  

After having our snack, it was time to make our way out to the soccer fields.  We went out to Cumberland Park on a wonderfully gorgeous Sunday afternoon and walked through the woods to the soccer field where Todd was playing.  That's when the fun began.  You'll see.

If only you could hear in his sweet, tiny voice, "Go Orange!" It would seriously melt your heart!  He was so proud of his daddy.

As sweet as that face looks, what you don't see is how every time he wiggled out of my reach, he'd run straight for the field. Mostly because we told him that he couldn't.  He would run right to the white line and as I'd run up behind him... he'd go limp and fall to the ground in laughter.  He was having the best time.  Luckily I had some reinforcements with me to help with all of the energy...Grandma. :)

 Oh my boy...running away from me at every possible moment...and then falling down.  Gosh, that smile.

He really enjoyed walking over to the "spider webs" with Grandma.

 Just another one of the boys... he wanted to be a part of all the fun at half-time.

 These boys make me so happy.  They practically ran to each other!

It was a pretty good day.  And it is hard to think about the work/school week after enjoying such a wonderful Sunday.  Here's to next Sunday!

Update:  As of today, Jackson has been registered for Soccer Shots at his school.  That officially makes me a Soccer Mom.  I cannot believe that he isn't quite two years old and is already registered for his first sport.  His first soccer activity is on Thursday.  Let the games begin!!

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