Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Happy Wednesday

 Guess what day it is? Hump day!  That was a shout out to my sister, Ally.  This is pretty much her favorite commercial right now. She texts me "happy hump day" every Wednesday.  Followed by another text reading, "mike, mike, mike, mike, mike." and we both laugh... I'm sure of it.

Moving on.  We have a session scheduled on Friday evening for our first ever professional family photos. I'm SUPER excited about it and have pretty much spent a little time each evening prepping in some way.  Not to mention making some very important purchases in the last week or two in preparation.  We all gotta look cute, right?!

Here are some of the items in the running... Oh gosh.  (Side Note:Whoever said dressing a little boy wouldn't be fun... haven't been shopping. Not in the last year anyway because shopping for Jackson is a blast and he is the most stylish almost-two-year-old I know!)

So many options.  Blue shirt, vest and striped tie found at The Children's Place.  Plaid shirt and plaid shirt with bow tie found at Old Navy.

So many cardigans to choose from.  Nude flats (old) from Target.  Dinosaur pjs (not for photo shoot, just an extra surprise for my little man!) from The Children's Place.

White t-shirt from Target (old), floral print skirt and necklace from Francesca's and tan cardi from Old Navy.

Todd's shirt is from Old Navy (old.)

Since it looks like Jackson and I are pretty set (at least for the most part...) we decided to run out and grab some dinner and see if we could find Todd and new tie to complete his look.  I'm sure he's loving this right now.  And I'm also sure that he's just as excited, if not more so, than I am about having our photos taken.  Ha.

So we ran out for dinner and then stopped by Express before heading home again to our "Dinosaur jammies!!"

Do these boys get any cuter? And the sunlight. I was pretty much in heaven.  The only crazy person out there lugging their giant DSLR around the mall to get Qdoba for dinner.  Oh well.  #sorryimnotsorry  (which reminds me.  for a good laugh, check this out. I love me some Jimmy Fallon and really love me some Justin Timberlake.)  Sorry, I get distracted easily....
Moving on.

Waiting in line to order at Qdoba.  Someone was getting hangry.  Just like his momma.


Oh that face.  I guess he was getting pretty hungry. Time to feed the baby.

Boyfriend loves some Qdoba.

Again, so does his momma.  Yum. Nachos with chips on the side.
So I can dip, of course.

He decided to have a fruit squeeze after dinner and color some dinosaurs.  Because that's how we do.  And p.s. it was such a beautiful evening to just sit outside and relax. Even with a semi-cranky toddler that is about to throw his empty fruit squeeze pouch at his mom... 

thinking about it... ready to take some action in 3...2...1...

 Time to burn off some of that new found energy.  So we let him run to the next spot.  And run he did.

These plants remind me of Jurassic Park. And I love them.

Helping Daddy pick out a tie. From the clearance bin because why would we spend $50 on a new tie? Try a $20 silk tie at Express because that's how it's done! 
And I'll leave you with this.  The little man talking to the male mannequin and telling him that they need to hold hands to cross the street.  He then reached out and grabbed his cold, white, plastic hand.  And it was really cute. 

Once again, happy hump day!

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