time is flying by and we are trying to make the best of every single day! last week it was thanksgiving and black friday (anyone that has loved ones that work know what i mean!) and since then jackson and i have been fighting serious head colds. pretty fun couple of weeks, huh?
i have so many saved drafts of posts that i've started in the last few months so maybe i'll get some of those posted soon. until then, here are some photos from our thanksgiving weekend.
p.s. i seriously cannot wrap my mind around the thought that in just 22 short days it is christmas. time can really start slowing down now. (we haven't purchased many presents...yikes!)
back to what i was saying (lol) here are some photos! because that's what i do!
thanksgiving lunch at goddard from 2012 & 2013...

and thanksgiving lunch at goddard 2014...

and because i really love a good comparison, see here and here for thanksgiving 2013. i like to try and take the same types of photos each year so we can see how much we've all changed. and boy oh boy has my little boy grown!!
don't forget to check out instagram to see what we are up to on a daily basis!!
p.s. i just realized that i wrote the thanksgiving 2013 post on december 3rd and i am currently writing/publishing the thanksgiving 2014 post on december 3rd. #freaky
i hope everyone had a delightful thanksgiving!!
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