9 days and 13 hours until christmas. how did this happen? todd and i were just discussing yesterday how it might be a good idea to have a grandparent watch jackson one evening for us so we could go out and do our christmas shopping for him. because it is very difficult to shop for a todder with said toddler in the cart, asking about every item you pull off the shelf ;) i agreed with todd that it was a great idea and that we should probably get that set up soon. i guess until this morning, i didn't realize how soon that should really be set up. only 9 days until christmas? what?!
i am however, excited to report that our christmas crafting weekend was mostly a success. we put jackson in his room for "quiet time" on saturday (he doesn't usually nap on the weekend anymore, i.e. if he does nap, he doesn't go to bed until too late in the evening!) and he played quietly for about 45 and then crawled up into his bed and took a 2 hour nap. it was crazy! needless to say, todd and i were able to get all of the clay ornaments rolled out, cut, and baked in that time. it was kind of amazing. and that evening, jackson still went to bed at a decent time (a miracle!) and we were able to give the easy chocolate truffles a try. and those were also a success! we spent sunday painting the ornaments and making some new ones (donuts!) and i thrilled and mildly obsessed with how they turned out. i love this time of year. and honestly, this weekend was so great, i really didn't want it to end. my boys are the best and i really got to spend some quality time with them at home, with no plans, just using our time to bond and create. it was really needed and i am so thankful.
i actually took some photos with my "real" camera but haven't edited them yet. so until i do, here's a peek at the stuff we were up to this weekend courtesy of my (janky. ha) iphone.
i know i said it before, but... i love christmas time!!!

and because you guys know i love a good comparison photo... check this out. we were doing the exact same thing last year on the same weekend. and i promise i did not stage the photo to make them so similar. that just happened by chance and i.love.it.

i hope that everyone is enjoying their monday so far!
I love that Bella's laying in the same spot in both photos too :)