as i type this little message, it is currently new years eve, eve! how is it that christmas is already over? it feels like the blink of an eye for sure. (although we do have one more christsmas celebration tomorrow evening!) since my last post, we've had our little family christmas, christmas with grandma brink, a roadtrip to quincy and two christmas celebrations there. we're back home as of last evening and we are currently relaxing in our pjs this sunny, lazy morning!
i'm working on a couple of christmas posts to go up sooner rather than later ... so many pictures (and videos, yay!!) so stay tuned for those. for now, i'm going to get my teeth brushed, jackson's teeth brushed, and we are off to the grocery to restock our fridge. and maybe have a lunch date.
i'm really trying to soak up this week and my days off with my favorite little person. he pretty much keeps me entertained all day long. so i'm off to continue soaking it up.
i hope everyone is enjoying their holidays with friends and family! i know i am!!
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