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this photo is actually from december 2013. but as i dug through my "jackson quincy" archives, this one really made me smile. |
sometimes you just have to make notes so you don't forget. because it is moment such as these that i hope to never forget. i know it sounds cheesy, but i am a incredibly sentimental person and these little moments are the ones that i treasure the most. that is why i can be found taking photos and videos every.single.day. i don't want to miss a moment, i don't want to forget a happy memory. i like to have it all documented to the best of my ability because i know as i grow older, my mind won't be able to recall all of these things so easily. and i hope that maybe one day these documented memories may mean something to someone other than me. :)
jackson is now 3 years and 2 months old. how that has happened, i am just not sure. this age is the hardest and most hilarious by far. he definitely keeps us on our toes with the things he says and the tantrums he throws every once in a while.
within the last several months, this kid has been fighting his bed time like no other. we've talked to his teachers about trying to keep him from napping during the day so he can actually go to bed (actually be asleep) prior to 9 or 9:30pm. on the weekends he is nap-free and is usually asleep around 8pm (a.mazing.)
so. he must be having much more fun at school than he does at home because that kid is ready to pass out come nap time. i cannot get him to sleep at home, but at school he can be the first once to doze off. i guess that's a good thing? until bedtime.
the excuses are endless. he's hungry. he has to go potty. he needs just one more toy.
the latest excuses," but mommy, can't you just stay with me for one more second?"... "but i'm frightened"... or "but i cannot drift off to sleep." oh this boy and his vocabulary!
and as much as i am ready for bed myself. tonight i decided to just hang around for "one more second." i try to remind myself that although having this little boy fight bedtime every single night can be wearing... before i know it, he won't be fighting bedtime. i'll be fighting to get him out of bed by noon. he won't want to snuggle with me. because i'm sure at some point, boys stop being super snugly with their mommas. please tell me that it won't happen anytime soon!!
so tonight while todd is away at soccer, i got the usual...standing at the gate (to contain him in his bedroom or he'll be out at least 25 times) yelling, "mommy! mommy!" and this time instead of making any threats about staying in bed, i stayed. he just wanted to hold my hand. i made a deal with him... if he closed his eyes, i'd hold his hand. and sure enough, he did. i could tell it was hard for him to keep his eyes closed at first and for several minutes he'd keep his eyes squeeze shut and lay there so still. and then he'd squint his eyes open and smile. happy to see that i was still there and still holding his hand. he did that a few more times and even gave me an, "i love you, mom." and then he fell asleep. holding my hand.
how did i get so lucky? maybe no one else will care about this little note to self type of post. but i don't' want to forget how much this boy loved his momma. how something so simple makes him so happy. he is my greatest treasure in the whole wide world and i got pretty dang lucky that he's mine.
enough sap for one evening. this sentimental heart just needed to make a note.
squeeze your littles extra tight tonight and kiss them a few extra times. i did. and its worth it. they really are the best.
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