Thursday, April 10, 2014

transition. part two. more thoughts.

we've set a date.  jackson will start sleeping in a big-boy bed as of thursday, april 17th. just one week away.  i know it sounds so silly to set a date but this feels like such a big step to me.  i am the kind of person that makes lists and counts down to things, i like deadlines or a date to look forward to. it helps me plan. i like to plan.

(because every post needs at least one photo... this gem was taken when jackson was one week old. one of his first times in his crib. and loving it. obviously. and for the record - his daddy says that this is his all-time favorite photo of jackson so far. weirdo.)

i've been keeping a running list of ideas in a notebook when i read something about toddler bed transitioning. things to try, rewards for good behavior, tips and tricks for making the transition a success.

here's what i have so far.   things that are marinating in my mind as the day approaches.

  • transition on a day that you have built in "recovery time" - that's why i chose the easter weekend.  jackson and i have friday off so that gives us a long weekend to "recover" should he have any trouble going to bed....staying up late....getting out of bed, etc. we can all relax a little the next couple of mornings if we need to.
  •  get jackson excited about the change.  make it exciting and new.  todd will have to help me convert his crib to a bed but we also made a little trip to target for some new things. we let jackson pick out a new bed for his blanket.  a big-boy blanket (twin size comforter) and a new pillow so he would have new bedding for his "new" bed.
  • how in the world will we keep him in his room? baby gate?
  • rewards.  i read something about having a little party (i'm not sure i'm looking to party exactly but maybe just get him pumped up a little?) the night before to get them excited to sleep in their new bed for the first time
  • rewards. the next morning.  give them a special breakfast or treat as a reward for a successful first night of sleeping in a big-boy bed. maybe a trip to the donut shop for breakfast?
  • keep the same bedtime routine.  minus reading books in the rocking chair.  i think the rocking chair may be part of the bedroom mini-makeover. #safetyfirst so we'll have to figure out how we'll be reading books. maybe just laying on the rug together might be nice!
  • babyproofing. we need to make sure all things are secure so he won't be able to get hurt if (when) he gets out of bed before he actually goes to sleep and when he wakes up in the morning.  the toy box in his room (which i received on my 2nd birthday) is wood and heavy. i want to make sure it is secure so there are so smash fingers (or worse!) or maybe take it out?  also, probably going to remove the changing table to keep him from climbing on it. because trust me, that already happens.
  • toddler clocks. to encourage them to stay in their bed until an "acceptable" time in the mornings?
  • removing toys?  this boy has i'm wondering if we really cleaned up the amount of toys in his room (or actually stored them away in his closet so we can easily access them during the day but are out of reach so he doesn't play during the night) if that would encourage him to stay in his bed and not tempt him to get out of it?
these photos were taken when i was 37 weeks pregnant and just waiting for my little man to make his appearance.  i should post before/after photos so you can see these (how clean his room used to be) compared to what it really looks like now.  lived in. for sure!! but these should give you an idea of the room setup and how we need to kid-proof it all and also just an idea of what he'll be attempting to get into at bedtime and first thing in the morning. because i can only imagine that he will!!

 these are just  few of the many things i've been thinking about as far as the transition goes.  i never realized how much i'd think about this. and not just do it. and i thinking too much into it?  being a mom is the best job ever but can be so complicated. i am trying so hard to do things right for my boy. i want to make this a healthy transition for all of us.   

so. trial and error, here we come!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear what works and what doesn't! :) Good luck!!! You got this!
