Thursday, April 17, 2014

jackson quincy: age 2.5

tuesday afternoon jackson had his 2 1/2 year check-up with his pediatrician.  i just love these appointments because i like to see how much he's grown and deep down i just really love how much the nurses and his doctor love him.  they all think he's the cutest thing and are forever impressed with his language and how.much.he.talks.  i don't mean for any of that to sound like bragging...although he's my kid, i'm allowed to brag a little, right?  he's just so smart and so funny and still so sweet.  i am so lucky to be his momma.  i will never ever change my mind about that.

anyway. back to the appointment.

i want to add in here that this was my favorite appointment in his 2.5 years of life.  he was the cutest, sweetest, happiest, most polite little boy you ever did see.  (picking him up from school right after nap time and snacking in the car on the way to the appointment didn't hurt, i'm sure!) but in the words of the doctor, he did "excellent."  it was such a good visit.  and he's right on target with his growth and talking up a storm. all is well with our guy.  music to a momma's ears.

after his appointment we decided to run a couple of errands together.  having coffee creamer and a diaper genie refill are of the utmost importance at our house! i think many of you can agree!  plus, wednesday was picture day...had to check out the threads at target and see if there was anything that just had to come home with us for picture day.  little man needs to look good!

too bad i forgot to take pictures of the outfit  he is going to be the cutest.  new shoes and all ;)

we made it home much earlier than a normal day so we had lots of time to play.  and his source of fun that afternoon was sitting at our dining room table and looking at the "ads" that came with his rescue bot and imaginext toys (those were his small rewards after a wonderful visit to the doctor!).  he sat at the table for probably 20 minutes just looking at the pictures and discussing the toys.

it honestly was one of my favorite days. i love this age so much.

and its official...tonight's the night we make the transition.  you can read my thoughts about toddler bed transitioning here and here.  keep your fingers crossed or say a little prayer for us if you like to do that sort of thing.  i'm already looking forward to a nap tomorrow... just in case ;)

happy thursday my friends!

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1 comment:

  1. I love seeing him sitting at that table and thinking that Kris played ping pong right there when he was a boy :)
