Thursday, April 24, 2014

so much to little time. just checking in!

i've taken an unintentional break from blogging this week.... having a four-day weekend last week and an upcoming three-day weekend this week... and road tripping... really puts a halt on my extra curricular blogging activities!

i do though have so many things to say and so may pictures to share that i wanted to just check in and make myself a list... so i don't forget and so you can see what is to come. 

and in no particular order...
  • going way back... recently came across photos from our trip to colorado and our time at vista verde. so many pictures to share of a trip that we will never forget.  need to get it documented, asap! i just love going through old photos!!

  • jackson and i spent good friday together again this year. it was a pretty darn good day.

  • easter celebration part two - to grandmother brink's house we went!

  • easter part three - home for the holiday

  • someone loves his big boy bed - the transition: part three

  • the mini marathon is only 8 days and 22 hours away. time to get a few more runs in!

  • tomorrow morning we are heading down to nashville, tennessee to visit family and cheer on meagan as she runs her first marathon. i am so very excited to see my family and to watch meagan cross the finish line. funny thing is that once i'm in the atmosphere i'll just wish i was running too. just maybe not for 26 miles ;)

so. many. things. to. say. so this list should help to keep me accountable!  need to get things moving!  lots to share coming up so stick with me.  

also. just a quick note about comments. i've been trying to respond to comments and have been unable to do so.  i'm wondering if it has to do with the new template i'm using or maybe a browser error?  i'm looking into it but please keep the comments coming... i really want to get this issue figured out so i can respond back! i love hearing from everyone!

happy thursday and i hope that everyone has a great end-of-the-week and a wonderful weekend. i'll be back next week!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to support me on my marathon Journey. Cant wait to cheer you on at the mini. You are going to kick butt!!
