Friday, April 4, 2014

happy friday...with chocolate and sprinkles!

why hello! 
better late posting than never, right?!
i've been a little out of it this week after having the flu on tuesday and recovering on wednesday. and thursday. and maybe even a little bit today.  why is it that the flu can take so.much. out of you?! ugh. and to think i'd escaped it this year.  april fools i suppose.  who gets the flu on april 1st? ugh. me.

anyway.  this post is about last friday.  i knew i'd be heading out in the early evening with meagan for some basketball fun. (oh and it was fun.  thank you again meagan!!!) since i knew i'd be away from my main (little) squeeze, i decided that once i left work, i'd head over to school and "sneak" him out early.  not really sneak him out but it was fun to pick him up extra early for a little bit of time with his momma.

so i got to school and he was having snack with his class.  tortilla chips and nacho cheese -my kind of snack by the way! you might be able to barely see the leftover cheese on his face in these first few pictures.  also...these first few pictures are after we got into the car and i told him where we were going....the donut shop :)

he was a little excited, i'm not sure if you could tell! after a mini photo shoot in the car, it was off to the donut shop with my guy.

he chose for himself a chocolate donut with sprinkles.  that's the firs ttime he's picked this kind and i'm glad he did. it was so cute watching him slowly (very slowly) eat this donut. he's pretty much the cutest. and if he looks like he's watching something in the distance...boyfriend was completely entertained and silently watching golf on television while he ate that donut. #ohboys

i of course had to have a treat too... so a regular glazed donut and some coffee for me. yum.

boyfriend had a pretty impressing chocolate mustache.  other donut shot visitors kept commenting on how cute he was.  i cannot say that i blame them.  it was a pretty fun friday afternoon and a great way to start our weekend.  and here we are on the edge of another weekend. time flies!

i hope you all had a great week and have a great weekend. have fun with your loved ones. i know i will be!! happy friday!!

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