Monday, April 14, 2014

Motivation Monday - 04.14.2014

just a super quick check-in today.  skipped my long run in order to celebrate my anniversary.... all weekend long.  we pretty much ate our way through the weekend and it was wonderful. lots of sunshine, fresh air, friends and family time. i could not have asked for more!

all that said, i'm so glad that meagan helped me with a quick (and brutal...for me!) run on friday afternoon.  it was a little rough but i pulled through and since haven't regretted it.  the fastest 5k i've ever run. ever.  meagan is kind of awesome. without her, there's no way i would have finished.

only 18 days until the mini. woah. must keep on running. long distances or short...must keep running!

happy monday my friends! 

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