again i have so much to say and so little time. this day job is really cramping my style! ;)
we had a fabulous, warm, sunny, happy weekend and got to watch meagan complete her first marathon and...
i've taken an unintentional break from blogging this week.... having a four-day weekend last week and an upcoming three-day weekend this week... and road tripping... really puts a halt on my extra curricular...
today jackson and i are home for a "floating holiday" a.k.a. Good Friday. we are very much looking forward to celebrating easter this weekend as a family.
and i'm here today to share...
tuesday afternoon jackson had his 2 1/2 year check-up with his pediatrician. i just love these appointments because i like to see how much he's grown and deep down i just really love how much the...
we have a place near our house that is forever under construction. we thought it would be fun to do a little exploring and check out the bulldozer and jackson's favorite part...the dirt. so...
taking a quick trip back to sunday, april 6th...let the easter celebrations begin!
first stop, grandpa brink's house for dinner and an easter egg hunt.
we were looking forward to this all...