Thursday, January 1, 2015

new year, new goals - here's to 2015!

i am the type of person that loves a good bullet-ed list. so as i am running through some ideas, i'm just going to make a list. just like i would if i were writing this down on paper all for myself. here are some of the goals i'd like to work towards for the upcoming year.  i like to have a list to look back on and cross things off. i really, really hope that i can actually cross many of these off my list this upcoming year!  i will try to check in a couple of months from now and see the progress i've made.  keep your fingers crossed for me!!

  • 50 dates - going to really focus on dating my husband!
  • getting into a better exercise routine - with help from TIU
  • get back to better eating habits - using the 21 day fix as a guide.  eating lean, clean and green!
  • follow a cleaning schedule?
  • spend more time exploring as a family, lots of adventures
  • baby brink 2.0 (hopefully)
  • finish our list of house projects
  • put our house on the market?
  • buy a new house? more of a "forever home"
  • get back in the habit of going to grace? or attempting the online worship option? maybe visit the grace fishers campus?
  • decide what to do with the last 3 years worth of photos. photo books?
  • plan something fun for our 7th wedding anniversary
  • plan something fun for the anniversary of our first date... 10 years ago in 2015!

here were the goals i set for 2014. let's see where i ended up... looks like i could use an extra dose of motivation this year to really make things happen!!

Try going back to Grace.  I miss that place so much.

Wipe the dust off the sewing machine?

Train for and complete the mini marathon - I'm tired just thinking about it....and I cannot wait at the same time!  

Maybe find a later summer/fall race to sign up for? The Monumental half in October?

Get in shape.  2013 was good to me as far as exercising goes. I was NEVER one to like exercise. Hated it. And in 2013 I've been in my best shape yet. And I want to do even.better.

Think about expanding our family...already? Time has flown...

Sell our house and Buy/Build a new house?! AH!

SAVE MONEY. Spend less.

Clean.This.House.  Get rid of things we don't need.  We are basically hoarders. Not really... but sometimes it really feels like it!!

Put.The.Phone.Down. Need I say more?

Make family year books. And continue with (at least) yearly videos for Jackson.

Make an effort to DO SOMETHING with my photos AND videos. We all know I take photos every day of our lives but where do they end up?  Other than taking up all the room on my computer and external hard drive...

Keep up this blog.  Writing feels good. The documentation feels good. And I'd love to Make some friends and connect with others this way.  I like this "me" time! 

Make good and healthy food choices for me and for my family.

Budget, budget, budget.  there is no reason that we shouldn't be more aware of our spending.

Date my husband.  We both could use more time together. It makes us better for each other and better for our boy.

Stay positive.

just because some of those things aren't crossed off, doesn't mean that they didn't happen. they just didn't happen to the extent that i wanted them to. so. this year. is going to be the best year yet. i just have to MAKE it happen. i'm looking forward to the challenge and all of the rewards that will come along with the hard work.

happy new year my friends!!

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