here i am sitting on the couch with todd and jackson looking at last year's vacation post. john is taking his nap, the brink's are with grandpa at the park and we are waking up from our afternoon nap and finished a late lunch.
jackson and i are a little behind on our sleep (he is actually very, very behind on his sleep!) so we are taking it easy today. it rained this morning and even at almost 4pm, it is barely 60 degrees. so we are honestly enjoying this lazy afternoon and soaking up this quiet time.
as soon as the kids get home from the park, they'll all be running around like crazy ones once again. jackson cannot get enough time with molly and jacob. the three of them are sharing a room this year and once we get jackson back on a better sleeping schedule (grumpy baby!) they might all enjoy it even more.
anyway. after a super fun wedding weekend (more to come on that!) we left on late sunday afternoon after jackson woke up from his nap. todd and i packed while he slept and we made our way up north. it was the easiest drive and we easily made it in about three hours.
we arrived after 8:30pm and jackson played with his toys with his aunt melissa and uncle alex while todd and i unpacked the car and put our stuff away upstairs. it was late to bed (i believe jackson was asleep just before midnight?!) and early to rise on monday morning. no matter how late he stays up... this kid is up by 7am. in fact, when he woke up monday morning, he came into our room to wake us up (so he wouldn't fall down the stairs in his sleepy state!) and said, "the sun is up! the sun is up!" he was ready to go. if only we were that happy to be awake after less than 8 hours of sleep ;)
monday morning we hung around the house, played toys and had brunch and it was time for a nap.

once jackson woke up from his nap, it was time for a late lunch and off to the beach. to his surprise, molly and jacob (and uncle david and aunt megan of course) had arrived and were playing at the beach when we got there. we played at the beach from about 3 until almost 6:30pm and it was time to head to the house and clean up for dinner.

for dinner we made our traditional stop for pizza (or pasta for some people!) at the vineyard. just like last year and the year before. most of the boys shared a couple of pitchers of beer while the rest of us shared a couple of pitchers too.... of coca cola ;) and we walked back to the house. had to get the keys so we could make our (first) stop at sherman's! my favorite spot of the entire trip.

after ice cream and full, full bellies. we made our way back to the house to start getting the kids ready for bed. and after much, much fussing, crying, screaming, tears, etc. jackson was asleep by midnight. for the second night in a row. ;)
again. we're just hanging out and soaking up the quiet moments (and hopefully getting all of our sleep back on track because let's face it. this there is much more adventure to come later in the week so stay tuned!
i hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! what are we missing out on while we're away?!
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