south haven, 2013.
please consider this jumbled mess of photos a collage of sorts. for some reason they are all out of order so my apologies! however, the photos still tell a story of all the fun we had. and i can honestly say that each year gets better and i cannot wait to see how much fun jackson will have this year. at almost three, his personality is better and better and better.
so. here's our trip to south haven last summer in a million and one photos.
it is so hard to believe that in just a couple of days we'll be back. please, everyone send happy thoughts, prayers, whatever good mojo you have that we will have nice and warm weather! we need this vacation and we are so, so looking forward to it.
hapy friday my friends. i'm hoping to keep you guys updated in real-time next week so you can keep up with our adventures. we wouldn't want you to miss out ;)
if anyone is out there reading this anyway! lol

best.icecream.ever. seriously. if you are ever in the area. go here. and you cannot beat the prices for the amount you get. and don't worry, i ate that entire ice cream cone. the whole cone and probably some of jackson's too. #sorrynotsorry

same as the last summer... no beach naps. so, we would hop in the car after lunch and drive back to the house for a little quiet time. and almost always, he'd be asleep within 2 minutes of being buckled up. post beach naps are plus, look how cute he is!

we took a sunset stroll to the lighthouse. it was so beautiful.

caught you sleeping... haha

while we had quite a wait for a table at dinner... we walked around the main street shopping around. it was so sweaty hot so we found one good place with air conditioning. and it just happened to be a little wine shop that offers wine tastings. it was the perfect pit-stop before dinner! they have a "kids corner", blasting air conditioning and all the wine. it was so wonderful.
i'm hoping that we can make another visit to 12 corners this upcoming week!

these most delicious onion rings at clementine's. last year we missed out due to jackson's early bedtime. now that he pretty much stays up all night partying with everyone, it was nice to get out and enjoy the evening with everyone!

cousins eating fresh blueberries. while wearing diapers. pretty much the cutest thing.

"i want to sleep in the purple bed." is what he'd say every night. and just about every night... we'd lay together in that bed until he'd fall asleep. i treasure those moments because those (so far) are the only times we've done that. hoping that it will happen again in a couple of days ;)

I love that I have almost the same picture of Blue Moo. :)