Thursday, July 10, 2014

our first family vacation to south haven.

prepare yourselves for the upcoming photo overload that will be filling this space!  i have been a busy little bee getting ready for wedding weekend (todd's twin sister is getting married on saturday afternoon!) and then leaving for our annual family vacation sunday afternoon following a family brunch.  so. i'm trying to get the house ready and get us packed a a little bit ahead of time as to not be rushing come sunday morning. but seriously, who am i kidding? we'll be rushing sunday morning anyway. ;)

with all of that said, i thought we'd take a trip down memory lane and have a look at our first trip to south haven, michigan.  july 2012.

once we arrived, we went straight from the car (above) to the beach (below.) this was jackson's first real experience with sand and water... water other than a bathtub or bucket.

our first evening we had dinner at amicarelli vineyard. that's pretty much where we start each year and eat all of the pizza.

and i'm honestly hoping i'm keeping the order right.  really should have done this two years ago... 

the next day (and pretty much every day after that...) we went to the beach after breakfast.

and after lunch at the beach and a quick drive back to the house for a nap (our kid would not take a nap at the beach. but he would nap at the house so each day todd and i took turns taking him back to the house for a rest.)

in the evenings we would play out in the yard, go for walks, play games, enjoy some adult beverages, campfire, chatting. really just soaking up those perfect summer evenings!

one day ally came to visit. while we waiting for her arrival, some of us napped.

this is one of my favorite photos of the boys. just one of many.  we recreated this photo in 2013 also (you'll see in an upcoming post!)  and i'd love to recreate it each year we go.  as long as todd's arms can hold up to the challenge! ;)

we walked by this house every single day. what you cannot see is the beach right behind it. yes. #dreamy

and then it was time to head home.
we had a pretty good time, can you tell?

jackson's first trip to the beach was pretty successful.  todd and i even got a night out to see a movie (thank you aunt megan!) jackson did really well sleeping in the same room as us and at nine months he even took his first steps in the living room of this house.  i'd say it was pretty great.  

we love you, south haven!!

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