Friday, March 27, 2015

time flies when you're having fun...

or when you are expecting a baby!

that's right, baby brink #2 is on the way and growing every single day!  due to arrive in september, we are so thrilled to have this little one join our family of three.

my (baby) jackson is going to be a big brother?! how could this be?

i have a few pictures to share but for today, i'll leave you with our little pregnancy announcement video. i have to admit that i had the cutest little helper in the making of this video!

i hope you liked our little video and if you'd like more updates, please come back and join us! i'm hoping to start posting a little more regularly... we shall see. ;)

today marks 16 weeks and the time is starting to fly. we officially have 25 more days until our 20 week ultrasound. oh. em. gee.

also, how could i possibly feel the nesting bug already?!

happy weekend!